Sunday, May 15, 2011

Miss you like crazy

Silence slumbers in its futile sleep,
And the rest of the world sleeps with it, too
But I can’t close my eyes, my Angel
Because I lie so far away from you.

I close my eyes and there you are,
But when I open my eyes, you elude them
Come to me, my image sweet, why do you,
With my eyes, play such a cruel game?

When I am well you run away, always
Come now at least to my side.
Promise, I shall be a nice boy,
And to all your rules shall abide

Touch you not, bug you never,
Just witness your divine smiles of joy
You be the princess in the palanquin,
I’ll be the admiring roadside beggar boy.

Your voice is all that I get to hear nowadays,
The reasons of which I very well know;
But a hundred reasons shall always be there
To stop us both from together old to grow.

Smile one time, then again, and then one more time
Laugh out loud; and forever shine like a brilliant star
Because you are the only dream that my eyes can see,
Wherever I may be, and wherever you are.

I miss you