Saturday, August 28, 2010

Defining Moments in Life

This is probably the hardest thing I've ever had to write in my entire life. The hardest and yet the most beautiful. As I even just begin to type here, late, in the dark in my room alone ... It just feels it was yesterday that i witnessed something beautiful. It's been almost a week now .A week. How can it already have been a week? I've thought a million times what I'm going to write here and how I'm going to begin and what order I'll put it in and I think I've been so afraid to come back afraid of not doing justice for that Wonderful Moment...of leaving something out...of attaching simple words to an event that is so far from simple, it might just not be possible. But I need to get it out. I don't know how it's going to come or if it will make sense, but I'm just going to write.. Still i have a fresh reminiscence of what happened that day ..  

Now when i recollect those beautiful moments .. i get goose bumps, smiling from ear to ear, and daydreaming about the person behind the poetic Inspiration. She walked in with grace and elegance that i failed to capture before. The Build up leading to this evening was exhilarating . The level of excitement and anticipation was rapidly building. This was THE MOMENT i had been waiting for quite sometime. The moment she entered .There was a spring in her stride. I couldnt help but ogle at her as if my eyes were fixed. She sat right next to me .. I was stealing glances at her whenever i had the oppurtunity .. My mind was so captivated that it started acting as if i was painting blank canvas with colors never seen before . Every stroke was more perfect than the next, slowly and gracefully converging to build a flawless masterpiece.

It was obvious to the clouds and the stars, who were always watching over her, that she had a gift.  She was an artist.  And she knew it too.  She felt it in every fiber of her being.There were other women who also were pretty but none with everything what i was looking for. Compassion and a lively spirit with a tinge of innocence & naughtiness :-) She had that magical aura and had a temperament that doesn't exist in most of the women.She was intimidating at times ..she was perfect.  She had everything that a man can ever want in a woman.I heard myself say " She is just perfect, I would be lucky if i can find someone like her ".She's so beautiful and also natural.I wondered If the voice was coming from outside, or was it his? Was it a dream, or reality?

I’ve always believed in the beauty of a great journey – discovering new places, seeking life experiences, fostering relationships and pursuing my dreams.  In fact, it’s all I’ve ever really wanted to do.  I just want to believe in something that’s worth believing in and then pursue it with every facet of my being.Such journeys, I’ve found, are best when we share them with others who, like me, are ‘crazy’ enough to assume that our wildest dreams are just a brief distance away from reality.

It is 2 AM, but I am wide awake and inspired to write about the epiphany I had in my dreams. I powered on my laptop and opened the word processor I use for blogging.  After gazing at the blank white screen for several minutes, I placed my fingers on the keyboard finally to write about that Magical Moment .. WOW is all i can say when i recollect those moments again ... 

Just another a tribute to that Beautiful woman who had given me another chance to smile and cherish these moments ..

She looked just amazing ... :-) 

This is dedicated to that beautiful who has had a great impact in my life ... She knows who i am talking about  :-) 

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