Friday, January 21, 2011

A moment to remember

This is how I felt on the day I was about to go out with her for the first time

Anxious yet exciting moments of my life .. 

It felt good. 

Meeting her for the first time, It was as beautiful as watching the snow-clad Himalayan Mountain peaks painted honey-gold by the first rays of sunlight.

 I breathed in slowly, mouth and nose together, relishing the pure, cold, nourishing morning air.

I felt on top of the world, literally and figuratively, as I stood high in the middle of nowhere on a refreshingly cold bright morning, undecided what I was going to do, or where I was going to go.

What greater freedom than not having anything to do or anywhere to go!

I felt I was flying like a bird in the sky, with no one to take my freedom away.

“Something exciting is going to happen today,” said a tingling sensation within me, as if I were on the top of a high roller-coaster ready to plunge into unknown depths.

Suddenly, at the spur of the moment I decided we would do something spontaneous. It has always been the case with me. This moment was really special.

Then there came the moment, I wish I could go back in time again & rejoice the beauty of it.

It was amazing to see her

For a moment, I was scared and discomfited; I quickly avert my eyes and try to disappear into the crowd. I felt ashamed of having eyed her so blatantly. ‘What will she think of me?’ I wonder. 

But soon, by instinct and almost against my will, my eyes begin searching, trying to find her again.

Ah, there she is. She was coming towards me on a muddy road.

She is an exquisite beauty – fair and freshly bathed, her luxuriant black hair flows down her back, her sharp features accentuated by the morning sun, her nose slightly turned up, so slender and transparent, as though accustomed to smelling nothing but perfumes.

I am mesmerized is what I said to myself

Never before had anyone evoked such a delightful tremor of thrilling sensation in me.

I sat next to her, trying to look at her with sidelong glances when I think she isn’t noticing.
She notices.

She looks at me.

Her eyes are extremely beautiful – captivating, dark, expressive.

Suddenly her eyes began to dance, and seeing the genuine admiration in my eyes, she gives me smile so captivating that I experienced a delightful twinge in my heart.

It is a moment I will remember all my life J

Thanks again to my best friend again for making it truly a moment to savor & remember all my life

She is beautiful J

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