Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Dasvidaniya, My love

Writing this letter is the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life so far, and I hope I never have to do anything like it again. We have been together now for more than 3 years, and it has been quite a time for both of us.

You have shown me what love is and what it feels like to be loved. I could feel it when our hearts get so close they are beating as one.You are the beat of my heart, the soul in my body; you are me, because without you I am nothing.I will always remember the very first time we met, the very first time you wrapped your arms around me and rested your head on my shoulder. Your smile your way of looking at me will always be fresh in my memories. There are so many lovely memories but the fact remains the memories are not enough to bind us for rest of our lives. The picture of your charming smile keep flashing back in front of my eyes. though I know things will never be the same but …. I just can’t stop myself. I am Sorry.

Don't get me wrong. You have made me very happy just by sharing yourself and your life with me. The memories will stay in my heart forever. From the time we first started going out until now, you have unfailingly shown me how it is to be really cared for and cherished. At the same time you have managed to keep my feet on the ground, always reminding me that my life is my own and no one else’s. I thank you for that. You taught me how fully comprehend what real love is like without even telling me you loved me. Just by showing me in your own way, you made me see how two completely different people can actually become real friends and true lovers.

You have kept my feet on the ground and yet showed me how beautiful the stars and skies are.

Whenever I needed your comfort and strength, your level-headedness and rationality, you were always there for me. Our relationship has gone through a lot of things ranging from the serious to the stupid.

I guess the only thing that went wrong is that i am not of the same caste or creed and the accompanying issues of where this relationship is really headed and the roles we will actually play in each other’s lives.

No one is to blame. Not you, nor me, nor whoever was a part of it…maybe I'm just a victim of circumstance like you.There are so many unanswered questions in my mind that sometimes it forces me to approach you to get the answers and say a final goodbye to you. I will never have any regrets in life of loving you.

I know this is not the end of everything. It is actually a new beginning, hopefully of a better, more beautiful friendship for the future. But I have to do this, to say goodbye to you properly. I need closure to move on. And I realize I have to move on.

I cannot hold on to something I don't believe in anymore. It would have been really nice to grow old with you…to laugh with you while reminiscing about the years that have passed…to share with you my whole life, and I would share with you yours…but I guess now is not right time for us, or we’re just not meant to be together, now or forever, I don’t really know.

Thank you very much for always being there for me when I needed you most. Thank you for sharing yourself with me, if only for 3 years of your life. thank you for looking after me when I was down.

In fact, my life will never be the same without you

You have been the love of my life without me expecting it. Maybe when our paths meet again, we would both be ready for whatever it is that we were really meant to be…friends, best friends…we’ll see….only time will tell..........

I only have one request. please don't forget the times we shared together, for they are the memories I will never forget. Please remember that always, and take care of yourself.


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Little Things Make a Big Difference

Love is in the details, the every day. Big gestures are great and can really show a person you care, but the little things you do every day will really show your significant other that you love them. The small things to do to convey your feelings will be more memorable and my joyful, because they speak not just to the here and now, but to the long term of your love.

Spontaneity is a key ingredient in expressing love. This does not necessarily mean a last minute vacation or surprise candlelit dinner (though they don’t hurt), spontaneity can be as simple as saying “I love you” in the middle of folding laundry. I love you’s are always great, but just saying them before bed or when you leave is a disservice to your partner. Make I love you more than just a routine farewell, say it at the oddest moments, and your significant other will truly feel loved.
A touch, a kiss, an embrace can also be spontaneous acts. Again, don’t let these gestures fall into certain times. Plant a kiss on your partner’s cheek while you’re watching TV or on their shoulder as they brush their teeth. Nothing says love like affection during the most mundane of household happenings.

The smallest physical gesture can also warm your partner’s heart more than a steamy kiss or flirty embrace. Touching the face or hair of your partner signals your feelings go beyond lust to love. Holding in hands in public is also a great sign of love. Not only do you want to be close to your partner, but also you’re showing everyone around you how you feel (without grossing anybody out).
One of the best ways to show love is to pay attention. Not just to what your partner says, but to what they do and their reactions to events and to your own conversations. If you ask how their day was, listen to the answer. Even if they’re venting about work for the eight millionth time, listening, support and understanding are fundamental in showing your love. If you know they’re going through something particularly hard or they have an important event taking place, ask about it. Ask if you can help. Sometimes, the hardest thing to do is to help someone through a difficult time. We don’t know how to approach it, even with those we love. When we’re truly at a loss, it’s important to ask what we can do. The other person may not know either, but the effort may be an important part in helping them. Always let your partner know you’re listening and you care.
Another great way to show your love is probably one of the hardest yet simplest things to do for your partner. Do something they want to do that you don’t think you’ll enjoy. But, beyond that, make a true, honest effort to enjoy it. Don’t say you’ll go to some sappy love story movie and then complain the whole time, see if you can’t find something in the experience enjoyable. Don’t go to a sporting event and scowl and cross your arms the whole time asking to go home early, give the sport a chance. Opening your mind for your significant other is a great way to show you truly care about them.

There are millions of little ways to show your significant other your love. These are just a few ideas to make everyday life with your partner just a little sweeter while showing them your deep and abiding love.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Miss you like crazy

Silence slumbers in its futile sleep,
And the rest of the world sleeps with it, too
But I can’t close my eyes, my Angel
Because I lie so far away from you.

I close my eyes and there you are,
But when I open my eyes, you elude them
Come to me, my image sweet, why do you,
With my eyes, play such a cruel game?

When I am well you run away, always
Come now at least to my side.
Promise, I shall be a nice boy,
And to all your rules shall abide

Touch you not, bug you never,
Just witness your divine smiles of joy
You be the princess in the palanquin,
I’ll be the admiring roadside beggar boy.

Your voice is all that I get to hear nowadays,
The reasons of which I very well know;
But a hundred reasons shall always be there
To stop us both from together old to grow.

Smile one time, then again, and then one more time
Laugh out loud; and forever shine like a brilliant star
Because you are the only dream that my eyes can see,
Wherever I may be, and wherever you are.

I miss you

Monday, March 7, 2011

A Sparkling moment

With all of the love that you have for me, I felt compelled to share my favorite love story - the following post to my personal blog which references an evening I spent with the woman I love the most.

"As we sat in a cab passing through the busy streets of hyderabad full of strange faces,
soberly observing,imagining the mysteries behind each set of unrecognizable eyes,
I turned to see this smile. A sparkle in ur eyes, ur arms outstretched,
in an instant our bodies were contiguous where, even over the thump, thump of the deafening beat, our hearts rang strong against one another. Tangled together,
we were a pendulum amongst our past and our beautiful future.
For this is the only story that matters. It is kept safe and warm between our beating hearts.Eyes locked, we could not help but smile:
"This is Love."

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Thinking of you ..

I just want to sit in bed and snuggle and eat cereal and watch stupid movies with you all day long. I just want to cuddle in your arms looking at the blue sky fade into darkness as we both fall asleep. I just want to lean against you and feel your every heartbeat and do nothing else all day long as you hug me to sleep not letting me go. I love listening to you breathe when you're sleeping cause it calms my heart down. And I just want to be silent and listen to you talk about your past. I just want to cry knowing that you're by my side to cheer me up with hugs and kisses. I just want to piggy back you all day long strolling through the park as I rest my head on your shoulders whispering sweet talks to you. I don't just want to imagine you by my side cause I miss you like crazy, every minute spent without you I'm lost. I just want to tell you that to find someone who will love you for no reason, and to shower that person with reasons, that is the ultimate happiness. Shall we compare our hearts to a garden, with beautiful blooms, swooping birds and sunshine and rain and darkness. I just want to tell you that we loved with a love that was more than love. 

Anyone can be passionate, but it takes real lovers to be silly. And a bell is no bell till you ring it. And a song is no song till you sing it. And love in your heart, wasn't put there to stay. As love isn't love till you give it away. I gave it away once, but that was brief as when I grieved I realized that I have not actually given it away. Time is definitely too slow for those who wait. Our past is behind us, love is in front and all around us. Though I know a hundred hearts would be too few to carry all my love for you and love is not singular except in syllable as well. I've never felt as comfortable and as relaxed as when I am with you though I am definitely shaking nervously inside screaming at the top of my lungs when you said you love me. I just want to spend every sunset and sunrise with you, feeling your sweet kisses in the morning and before I sleep. I want to wake up with your eyes locked onto mine as I turned over to avoid your eyes nervous and shy. I want to wake up with gray hair and denches still finding ourselves cuddling like everyday. I just want to hold your hands and not talk yet with a comfortable silence that makes me smile to myself silly as I peeked at you and you back at me. Love is missing someone whenever you're apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because you're close in heart. I just want to play with your fingers all day long like how you stroked my hair with such gentleness which caught chills down my spine. Sometimes we make love with our eyes. Sometimes we make love with our hands, always we make love with our hearts. And I just want to giggle as you tickle me non stop when I mess around with you and then you pulled me back towards you. I just want to be close to you like how birds appear everytime when you are near. 

I just don't want to miss a thing with you because by missing a thing with you, I'm missing a piece of my life. We are both imperfect as we were meant to perfect each other and love each other till the other doesn't anymore. Tell me you love me will you? Tell me you love me everyday. Tell me over six billion souls in the world, I'm the only one you want. Tell me I'm worth it. Tell me I told you, it's you. Tell me do I love you because you're beautiful, or are you beautiful because I love you? Tell me when love is not madness, it is not love. Tell me there is no surprise more magical than the surprise of being loved. Tell me if I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden. Tell me to the world I might be just one person, but to you, I am your world. Tell me love is a symbol of eternity wiping out all sense of time, destroying all memory of a beginning and all the fears of ends. Tell me hate leaves ugly scars but love leaves beautiful ones. Tell me I'm yours. I am already yours. For you see, each day I love you more. Today more than yesterday and less than tomorrow. So, tell me how many beads are there in a silver chain of evening rain, unravelled from the tumbling main, and threading the eye of a yellow star, so many times I've tried, and I finally found love today, in you. I love you.

Friday, January 21, 2011

A moment to remember

This is how I felt on the day I was about to go out with her for the first time

Anxious yet exciting moments of my life .. 

It felt good. 

Meeting her for the first time, It was as beautiful as watching the snow-clad Himalayan Mountain peaks painted honey-gold by the first rays of sunlight.

 I breathed in slowly, mouth and nose together, relishing the pure, cold, nourishing morning air.

I felt on top of the world, literally and figuratively, as I stood high in the middle of nowhere on a refreshingly cold bright morning, undecided what I was going to do, or where I was going to go.

What greater freedom than not having anything to do or anywhere to go!

I felt I was flying like a bird in the sky, with no one to take my freedom away.

“Something exciting is going to happen today,” said a tingling sensation within me, as if I were on the top of a high roller-coaster ready to plunge into unknown depths.

Suddenly, at the spur of the moment I decided we would do something spontaneous. It has always been the case with me. This moment was really special.

Then there came the moment, I wish I could go back in time again & rejoice the beauty of it.

It was amazing to see her

For a moment, I was scared and discomfited; I quickly avert my eyes and try to disappear into the crowd. I felt ashamed of having eyed her so blatantly. ‘What will she think of me?’ I wonder. 

But soon, by instinct and almost against my will, my eyes begin searching, trying to find her again.

Ah, there she is. She was coming towards me on a muddy road.

She is an exquisite beauty – fair and freshly bathed, her luxuriant black hair flows down her back, her sharp features accentuated by the morning sun, her nose slightly turned up, so slender and transparent, as though accustomed to smelling nothing but perfumes.

I am mesmerized is what I said to myself

Never before had anyone evoked such a delightful tremor of thrilling sensation in me.

I sat next to her, trying to look at her with sidelong glances when I think she isn’t noticing.
She notices.

She looks at me.

Her eyes are extremely beautiful – captivating, dark, expressive.

Suddenly her eyes began to dance, and seeing the genuine admiration in my eyes, she gives me smile so captivating that I experienced a delightful twinge in my heart.

It is a moment I will remember all my life J

Thanks again to my best friend again for making it truly a moment to savor & remember all my life

She is beautiful J

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sweet First times

Your first is always special. It always holds a unique place in your heart and in your life. I am not just talking about the first guy/girl in your life…but of experiences which were a first in your life. It can be anything…be it your first crush, your first drink, your first date, your first kiss, your first love, your first job, your first day in college and many such special moments…they tend to imprint on your memories to be cherished!
These firsts are sometimes also our last. Life is a constant journey filled with bundles of joy and sorrow. We walk through various phases each day making us learn a new aspect about the world around us. Of these, some aspects and people in certain cases, become really special to us, thus securing a niche within us. These moments never cease to exist from our memory.

By now, hopefully this piece is reminding you of some definite yet fortunate incidents that have occurred in your life. So, what is the big deal about these first encounters in our life? Those awkward clashes, running and bumping into people, accidentally jarring towards a solution which you and your peers were breaking your heads on…the list simply goes on!
The process is everlasting which constantly adds that zing and excitement in our lives. In other words, it gives us an opportunity to reinvent ourselves and form new bonds and attachments with people and places. This bond cannot be replaced by any substitute. After all, these attachments are not formed to fade away with time; otherwise being human would cease to exist!

At same time, there are certain experiences which we would like to forget but cannot do so. You guessed it right! I am talking about those goof-ups which we could have avoided but bumped into them. And then we move on thinking to ourselves, “Oh crap! If I could have just avoided him/her…It would have been so much easier otherwise! This is so embarrassing!”  There are other similar instances where we feel, “If I could have answered that question appropriately in the interview, maybe I would have been working in that company today!” But then, how can we forget the biggest of all the remorse of what went wrong in the past – “Agar hum thoda aur padh lete, toh aaj hum bhi doctor ya engineer hote!” And the regrets are endless!

Over a period of time, we realize that these are our first encounters to failure and so, even they are deeply ingrained into our soul. And then we move on again to receive our first paycheck which gives us that feeling of exhilaration which is simply unmatched. Today, we might be at a place where we must be encountering the fresh minds yet what remains with us was the time as a memory when we were those fresh minds.
That feeling of anxiety, nervousness yet being excited on our first bicycle ride, the first car that we bought, the first time we voted and above all, our first crush and first love…they are hard to forget!

When it comes to first crush or first love, it surely does bring back a smile on our face. In most cases, it is either a schoolmate or a teacher whom we secretly admired. As rightly said, first love never fades away! The first date is still cherished; those gifts and love letters are safely stacked away in some corner where no one can find them. The small gestures that we did for our beloved still dwells within us! And in the process, we definitely cannot forget our first heartbreak…nothing could have been more painful than that.

And being a vicious circle, there is a first when we met our better half…it sure is a moment when we promise to spend the rest of our lives together! So, another series of firsts start in the form of our own family. Over a period of time, our life becomes a picture of memories which we look back and smile on.