Saturday, September 25, 2010

Dreamz .. My Love

Every guy dreams of  that princess 
matching the fairy tales with touch of reality
I too had you sketched on my mind’s canvas
A hazy image surrounded by its own charm
Pretty, Beautiful was not what I craved
Simple solemnity was what I dreamt
I felt fish out of water in this instance
Attributes I craved were not normal stance
Friends thought I was out of my mind
Mills and Boon had it all right
Quietly I disagreed and they wished me luck
For them looks and riches were must
You entered my life on a normal day
There was shyness and hesitation in first glance
Neither thundering sounds nor the lightening effect  
Just a simple acceptance of your sight
I had my sketch all ready to make it alive
You filled in the colours with your sweet smile
With time you made me add that special colours
With little gestures that spelled love clear
There were parts which had shades of stubbornness
Made lighter by the art of filling compromise
When I think about the dream now
I am glad I was fish out water at that time
For the fulfilment I have got with you have proved
Romance in life is much better than books.

I am madly in Love with U ... 

Hopeless Romantic Guy

I'm an incurable romantic. I'm not sure what that actually means, but I do know how it feels, which is mostly good. Romance, for me, is much more than  boy-meets-girl. It is more of an optimistic view of the world, an expectation of beauty in everything and everyone that becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. It doesn't take much to make me all Dewey-eyed and I am a sucker for a sob story.

The effect of this on my ability to persuade is both good and bad. Like the swings and roundabouts of a fairground, I gain in some places and lose in others. Where I gain is in the empathetic bonding I get when people tell me their stories and I offer ways to help. If they are being deceptive, however, then I will at least start by trusting them.

It was a string of disappointing deceptions many years ago that set me on the road of learning about changing minds and although I have stubbornly retained my faith in human nature, I am not quite as gullible as I once was. I am now many times better at spotting persuasion techniques and can listen with gentle amusement.

I have been on persuasion training sessions and met people who are always 'on', trying to persuade non-stop as if their life depended on it. I hope I am not like that though, like a dog with a new bone, I suspect I have been a bit over-enthusiastic when the penny of a new persuasive dimension has dropped, but generally I stick to 'normal human' mode and only turn up the volume when needs be.

Turning down the radar is harder than not persuading, and I do tend to spot persuasion. I have, however, found a sustainable quiescent position from which I can quickly prick up my bat-ears if I hear or see something going on. It is sometimes entertaining when a sales person turns on the patter, confidence that they have when they see an easy target in their sights.

With an understanding of persuasion it would be easy to become cynical and disenchanted, seeing others as competitors or victims, but this is a route that I have deliberately avoided. I choose to see people as human, whole and essentially worthy. I am human too and like being a member of this social race. I love connecting with others, which the web lets me do to an unprecedented degree.

And so, despite its flaws and disadvantages, I think being a romantic is the best place to be.

Only for U

I want to be your companion and walk hand in hand, your strength enveloping mine. Autumn leaves falling, scuffing feet and laughter, spending evening together, not finished by the dark. I want to be your confidant
as you pen your deepest thoughts.

I want to be your lover and find the passion that move you to action. I want to be the softness that induces you to trust. I want to be the naughty one that makes you come back for more.
I want to make you smile..

It is no secret, my love, and to put it in very simple words,

I want you.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

My Love

She is so beautiful.every time i see her i fall in love with her.Her charming smile
creates a magnetic effect on me and i get attracted towards her.with every bit of word
coming out from her mouth creates a pleasant effect on my ears and my heart beat fasten up
to listen few more words from the gorgeous lady.She creates a magic when she look at me
with her pretty eyes trying to say something but the conversation ends up silently without
saying anything.

How do you feel if 'someone' you love surprises you

Those little gestures...the unspoken,untold,unexpected little wonders...caring and
deep...thoughtful and exhilarating...Truly can sweep them off one's feet!Those little
gestures has mesmerizing,and so heart warming. How that
'someone' must have missed the other...deeply. How the thought of reaching out,through
voice,if not in make the longing 'visible' and to make sure,the restlessness
of not being together,is put at ease,both sides. How all the rest of the world and the
worldly priorities become secondary..and the thought to be with 'the one' becomes all and
all.All this is not spoken....all this not said...what is said,is the pain,of not
being together,for whichever length of time...the gesture in itself...becomes magical and
so precious.The absence worthy of each this beautiful facet of that
'someone's' softer emotions wouldn't have come to surface.As they say..Under each dark
cloud,hides a shimmering silver lining:-)

Now what more can i say  about the damsel....she is
cute...beautiful...charming...gorgeous...attractive....compassionate.....adorable....intelligent...Pranskter... moreover she can be described as  ........My Dream Girl......and its
true that i love her the most.

I almost forgot writing,Infact I prevented myself from writing. But then one
fine day I lost all my reasons to do so. I found my words. I explored my thoughts again. I
re-created my ways of expression.Thanks to Queen of my heart :-) ... She is my world .

I really hope that this brings a Big Smile on her face .. That is all i want from her in

When a Girl or Boy is quiet........

I am Sure you must have read this before.. 

When a girl is quiet,

millions of things are running in her mind.

When a boy is quiet?

Trillion of thoughts & worries running in his mind.

When a girl is not arguing,

she is thinking deeply.

When a boy is not arguing ?

He is think the solution for finish the arguing.

When a girl looks at u with eyes full of questions,

she is wondering how long you will be around.

When a boy looks at girl with eyes full of questions ?

He wants promise that won't ever leave him

When a girl answers 'I'm fine' after a few seconds,

she is not at all fine.

When a boy answer 'I am fine' after a few second?

He is making himself fine just for you but although he is not

When a girl stares at you,

she is wondering why you are lying.

When a boy stares at you?

He is wondering, you are lying to me??

When a girl lays on your chest,

she is wishing for you to be hers forever.

When a boy melts in your arms ?

He is wishing that time will stuck here forever.

When a girl says I love you,

she means it.

When a boy says I love you?

He didn’t describe properly but he always prove how madly he loves you.

When a girl says that she can't live without you,

she has made up her mind that you are her future.

When a boy says that he can't live without you?

He has dedicated his entire life to her happiness.

When a girl says 'I miss you'

no one in this world can miss you more than her.

When a boy says 'I miss you'?

His heart is beating more than enough because he really misses you…..

I have learnt that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.......

From the Balcony, while it Rained...

I feel wonderful whenever it rains, more so when I don’t have to go out …so that I can just sit and watch the rains. Sometimes again I enjoy going out in the rains and that is a thing of immense fun for me.

Today it’s raining the whole afternoon and it’s good to see and feel this sitting here, in the balcony of our apartment. The balcony faces the front side of the apartment property, lined with few trees and conifers. It’s very green and I love this.

I had taken an afternoon nap while it was raining outside (another favorite) and came out here just moments ago. My senses are enjoying the sights and sounds of the downpour amidst the trees. The needle leaves of the conifers holding the raindrops like the dew in the grass, the scent of the wet soil and the sudden freshness in the air upbeats my evening mood.

The squirrels and the little birds, which are very much there when it’s not raining, are not being seen now….off to their homes, I guess. I often see the squirrels here running up and down the stems of the trees.

Anyways, back to the rains, I miss the thrills of going through water-clogged streets ( I know, it’s distressing, but c’mon it’s fun, too) with friends, suddenly getting drenched out as a vehicle pass by, and the ‘pakoras’ and ‘samosas’ from the shop at the street corner….wow these can be really good sometimes. The change in weather brings so much alteration, good and bad, in the whole ambience of being, which certainly adds to the whole experience. Now come on, what’s a good thing without a dash of distress attached to it?

I have always loved rains until recently . As a matter of fact i still do but there is someone special whom i love the most. This Blog is dedicated to her and she knows whom i am referring to ...

Kuch lamhe

Gone are the days!!

When the school reopened in June,
And we settled in our new desks and

When we queued up in book depot,
And got our new books
and notes!

When we wanted two Sundays and no Mondays, yet
managed to line up daily for the morning prayers.
We learnt writing with
slates and pencils, and
Progressed To fountain pens and ball pens and then Micro tips!

When we began drawing with crayons and evolved to
Color pencils and finally sketch pens!

When we started calculating
first with tables and then with
Clarke’s tables and advanced to
Calculators and computers!

When we chased one another in the
corridors in Intervals, and returned to the classrooms
Drenched in sweat!

When we had lunch in classrooms, corridors,
under the trees and even in cycle sheds!

When all the colors in the world,
Decorated the campus on the Second Saturdays!

When a single P.T. period in the week’s Time Table,
Was awaited more eagerly than the monsoons!

When cricket was played with writing pads as bats,
And Neckties and socks rolled into balls!

When few played
“kabadi” and “Kho-Kho” in scorching sun,
While others simply played
“book cricket” in the
Confines of classroom!
Of fights but no conspiracies,
Of Competitions but seldom jealousy!

When we used to
watch Live Cricket telecast,
In the opposite house in Intervals and Lunch breaks!

When few rushed at 3:45 to
“Conquer” window seats in our School bus!
While few others had “Big Fun”, “peppermint”,
“kulfi”, ” milk ice !” and “sharbat !” at 4o Clock!

Gone are the days
Of Sports Day,
and the annual School Day ,
And the one-month long
preparations for them.

Gone are the days
Of the stressful Quarterly,
Half Yearly and Annual Exams, And the most
enjoyed holidays after them!

Gone are the days
Of tenth and twelfth standards, when
We Spent almost the whole year writing revision tests!
We learnt,
We enjoyed,
We played,
We won,
We lost,
We laughed,
We cried,
We fought,
We thought.
With so much fun in them, so many friends,
So much experience, all this and more!

Gone are the days
When we used
to talk for hours with our friends!
Now we don’t have time to say a `Hi’!

Gone are the days
When we played games on the road!
Now we
Code on the road with laptop!

Gone are the days
When we saw stars
Shining at Night!
Now we see stars when our code doesn’t

Gone are the days
When we sat to chat with Friends on grounds!
Now we chat in chat rooms…..!

Gone are the days
Where we
studied just to pass!
Now we study to save our job!

Gone are the days
Where we had no money in our pockets and still fun filled on our hearts!!
Now we have the atm as well as credit card but with an empty heart!!

Gone are the days
Where we shouted on the road!
Now we don’t shout even at home

Gone are the days
Where we got lectures from all!
Now we give lectures to all… like the one I’m doing now….!!

Gone are the days
But not the memories, which will be
Lingering in our hearts for ever and ever and
Ever and ever and ever …..

Gone are the Days…. But still there are lot more Days to come in our Life!!

Life is always Beautiful when you take time out to look back at it & admire :-) 

life has changed a lot.....isn't it...?

Childhood Days ;-) ... 

Awesome were those good old days......!


When "GETTIN HIGH" meant "ON A SWING",


When "DAD" was the only "HERO",

When "LOVE" was "MOM's HUG",



When the only thing that could "HURT" were "BLEEDING KNEES",

When the only things "BROKEN" were "TOYS"


When "GOODBYES" only meant "TOMORROW"

life has changed a lot.....isn't it...?

Instructions For Life

Some of them I am sure you might have already read ... These are the ones I follow

* Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.

* When you say, “I love you”, mean it.

* When you say, “I’m sorry”, look the person in the eye.

* Believe in love at first sight.

* Never laugh at anyone’s dreams.

* Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it’s the only way to live life completely.

* In disagreements, fight fairly. No names calling.

* Don’t judge people by their relatives.

* Talk slowly but think quickly.

* When someone asks you a question you don’t want to answer, smile and ask, “Why do you want to know?”

* Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk.

* Say “bless you” when you hear someone sneeze.

* When you lose, don’t lose the lesson.

* Remember the three R’s: Respect for self; Respect for others; Responsibility for all your actions.

* Don’t let a little dispute injure a great friendship.

* When you realize you’ve made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.

* Smile when picking up the phone. The caller will hear it in your voice.

* Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, their conversational skills will be as important as any other.

* Spend some time alone.

* Open your arms to change, but don’t let go of your values.

* Live a good, honorable life. Then when you get older and think back, you’ll get to enjoy it a second time.

* Trust in God but lock your car.

* A loving atmosphere in your home is so important. Do all you can to create a tranquil harmonious home.

* In disagreements with loved ones, deal with the current situation. Don’t bring up the past.

* Read between the lines.

* Share your knowledge. It’s a way to achieve immortality.

* Be gentle with the earth.

* Pray. There’s immeasurable power in it.

* Never interrupt when you are being flattered.

* Don’t trust a man/woman who doesn’t close his/her eyes when you kiss.

* At least once a year, go someplace you’ve never been before.

* If you make a lot of money, put it to use helping others while you are living. That is wealth’s greatest satisfaction.

* Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a stroke of luck.

* Learn the rules then break some.

* Remember that the best relationship is one where your love for each other is greater than your need for each other.

* Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.

* Remember that your character is your destiny.

* Approach love and cooking with reckless abandon.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

My Dreams

I  see you in my dreams. Usually your hands are delicately wrapped around my face. Slowly you kiss each eyelid as if they were so precious they might break but each dream like this is terrifying. They haunt me of a time when you thought I spun gold from light. Of those times when each love letter left on your pillow was more poetic than the last. It’s in reliving these memories that I realise that I can no longer remember a time before now that I have loved anyone more. I struggle to find the words to describe the cataclysmic and heart rendering moments we shared. Where beneath those dim lights you grasped my hands and warmed them and I just knew. I knew that every person in this world deserved a moment like this. A moment where you knew how to be truly loved without the whisper of a single word.

I Love U ...