Saturday, September 18, 2010

My Love

She is so beautiful.every time i see her i fall in love with her.Her charming smile
creates a magnetic effect on me and i get attracted towards her.with every bit of word
coming out from her mouth creates a pleasant effect on my ears and my heart beat fasten up
to listen few more words from the gorgeous lady.She creates a magic when she look at me
with her pretty eyes trying to say something but the conversation ends up silently without
saying anything.

How do you feel if 'someone' you love surprises you

Those little gestures...the unspoken,untold,unexpected little wonders...caring and
deep...thoughtful and exhilarating...Truly can sweep them off one's feet!Those little
gestures has mesmerizing,and so heart warming. How that
'someone' must have missed the other...deeply. How the thought of reaching out,through
voice,if not in make the longing 'visible' and to make sure,the restlessness
of not being together,is put at ease,both sides. How all the rest of the world and the
worldly priorities become secondary..and the thought to be with 'the one' becomes all and
all.All this is not spoken....all this not said...what is said,is the pain,of not
being together,for whichever length of time...the gesture in itself...becomes magical and
so precious.The absence worthy of each this beautiful facet of that
'someone's' softer emotions wouldn't have come to surface.As they say..Under each dark
cloud,hides a shimmering silver lining:-)

Now what more can i say  about the damsel....she is
cute...beautiful...charming...gorgeous...attractive....compassionate.....adorable....intelligent...Pranskter... moreover she can be described as  ........My Dream Girl......and its
true that i love her the most.

I almost forgot writing,Infact I prevented myself from writing. But then one
fine day I lost all my reasons to do so. I found my words. I explored my thoughts again. I
re-created my ways of expression.Thanks to Queen of my heart :-) ... She is my world .

I really hope that this brings a Big Smile on her face .. That is all i want from her in

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