Saturday, September 25, 2010

Dreamz .. My Love

Every guy dreams of  that princess 
matching the fairy tales with touch of reality
I too had you sketched on my mind’s canvas
A hazy image surrounded by its own charm
Pretty, Beautiful was not what I craved
Simple solemnity was what I dreamt
I felt fish out of water in this instance
Attributes I craved were not normal stance
Friends thought I was out of my mind
Mills and Boon had it all right
Quietly I disagreed and they wished me luck
For them looks and riches were must
You entered my life on a normal day
There was shyness and hesitation in first glance
Neither thundering sounds nor the lightening effect  
Just a simple acceptance of your sight
I had my sketch all ready to make it alive
You filled in the colours with your sweet smile
With time you made me add that special colours
With little gestures that spelled love clear
There were parts which had shades of stubbornness
Made lighter by the art of filling compromise
When I think about the dream now
I am glad I was fish out water at that time
For the fulfilment I have got with you have proved
Romance in life is much better than books.

I am madly in Love with U ... 

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