Saturday, September 18, 2010

From the Balcony, while it Rained...

I feel wonderful whenever it rains, more so when I don’t have to go out …so that I can just sit and watch the rains. Sometimes again I enjoy going out in the rains and that is a thing of immense fun for me.

Today it’s raining the whole afternoon and it’s good to see and feel this sitting here, in the balcony of our apartment. The balcony faces the front side of the apartment property, lined with few trees and conifers. It’s very green and I love this.

I had taken an afternoon nap while it was raining outside (another favorite) and came out here just moments ago. My senses are enjoying the sights and sounds of the downpour amidst the trees. The needle leaves of the conifers holding the raindrops like the dew in the grass, the scent of the wet soil and the sudden freshness in the air upbeats my evening mood.

The squirrels and the little birds, which are very much there when it’s not raining, are not being seen now….off to their homes, I guess. I often see the squirrels here running up and down the stems of the trees.

Anyways, back to the rains, I miss the thrills of going through water-clogged streets ( I know, it’s distressing, but c’mon it’s fun, too) with friends, suddenly getting drenched out as a vehicle pass by, and the ‘pakoras’ and ‘samosas’ from the shop at the street corner….wow these can be really good sometimes. The change in weather brings so much alteration, good and bad, in the whole ambience of being, which certainly adds to the whole experience. Now come on, what’s a good thing without a dash of distress attached to it?

I have always loved rains until recently . As a matter of fact i still do but there is someone special whom i love the most. This Blog is dedicated to her and she knows whom i am referring to ...

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