Monday, January 10, 2011

Keep it interesting

In modern day relationships, people look for partners who make their lives more interesting.

Now i’m not married, nor do i claim to be an expert in the (romantic) relationship department.  but i would claim with a fair amount of conviction that this argument applies to every relationship.
we are friends with people that open our minds.  we enjoy the company of those who challenge our thinking; give us a different perspective or point of view.  we like to be around people who do things that we’ve never done.  traveled to unique and exotic places.  jumped out of airplanes.  hiked mountains.  challenged convention.  we’re drawn to these people – not only because it’s actually quite exhilarating to be around them – but because they make us feel better about ourselves and our lives, too.
and i would argue that we actually  like ourselves more, when we consider ourselves to be as interesting as the people we strive to be around.  the article refers to the process of accumulating knowledge and experience as “self-expansion”.  the more frequently we infuse our minds and our lives with new things – the more fulfilled we feel. 

while it doesn’t always seem convenient or safe or responsible -  perhaps this year is the year for adventure.  the year to shake things up a little.
play a few mind games with yourself:  next time your first instinct is to say “no.”   suppress it – take a deep breath.  and say “yes.    it can be a trip across the city, or a trip across the world.  a new class, a new acquaintance, a new food, or a new hobby, habit, or interest.    science tells us our relationships - and our happiness - depend on it.
this article suggests that we also make it a point to surround ourselves with people who – in some small or big way – make us better.   so if we want to live a life of experience, emotion, exuberance, and continuous improvement  - we’ve got to surround ourselves with people that make a habbit of doing so with theirs.

here’s to action – and adventure – and to keepin’ it interesting.  

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