Monday, January 10, 2011

Live your life

People spend years shying away from passions, likes, tendencies, quirks, styles, habits, hobbies, or loves that are within them. they muffle them down and stiffle their progress; for fear of failure, rejection, judgement, disdain. we put our true selves on ‘mute’ in an effort to stick to the safer, more routinely traveled.

I did this for a time; i think we all do it at some point in our lifes. for some length, for some seemingly pragmatic reason.

But it is important to understand (and take to heart), that you were put on this planet to embrace that quirky, sophisticated, daring, silly, edgy, unique, passionate, shy, loveable human being that you are!!!

Don’t take that glory away from yourself. study it. embrace it. celebrate it. bask in it. analyze it. but more important than anything else in this world – love it! your light is in there – you can’t be afraid to flip the switch.
be exactly who YOU are and rock your way out of it. it’s way more fun than being anybody else.

Always live life the way you want ..

If you are a follower of my blog you will know that this is dedicated to my best friend .. she has redefined my life. I have rediscovered my passion for writing again ..

I have started living my life again .. have you ???

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