Saturday, August 28, 2010

Beautiful Beginning

This Thursday, My friend (rohit) & me teased her (Aarti)  all day that they were so ready for this baby, she had to either come Friday or Saturday. Every time he called his wife   from work, he told her that she should be out jogging. she didn't jog, but she did walk like crazy through the streets of our neighborhood. Friday night, the pains started coming...nothing horribly uncomfortable but some significant cramps that were semi-regular and popped up several times through the night. By morning, She had several Cramps that were 15-20 minutes apart, and her doctor, convinced her that they would go fast once rohit was in full swing,I suggested to go to the hospital within a few hours. I remember getting off the phone and it hit me. Today was going to be the day. It was surreal. I texted my friends. And began the last steps in the ever long process of saying goodbye to my parents.

I called my friend (Shwetha) . I met her at my friend's get together&I knew that she was a delivery nurse...and we have been friends.

It was strange. It seemed so real and yet It felt like i  had dreamed of this moment for so long, it seemed a bit like a dream as well. It all just hit me...They had waited for this. But i was living this dream :-)

The early stages of labor were perfectly beautiful. Nothing hurt that bad according to aarti, she had the anticipation of this eutopian experience ahead of her, Rohit was chill, and my other girl friends started trickling in the room. They actually started playing a game...the "if you could..." cards I had packed in my bag for this very purpose. I had it perfectly planned, and it was going just as we had imagined...but better.

By 9:00, Her water had been broken and her contractions were in full force. The room was full of excitement and laughter.She was chatting with her friends until a contraction came on where she shifted gears, "ow-ow-ow-ow-ow'd" her way through it (and cursed), and came out of it as fast as she went in, picking up the conversation where they left off. I checked to make sure Rohit was okay.He was nervous. Gave him a Big Hug ... Boy he was shivering ..She liked the commotion...She loved the anticipation. she loved the feeling of people waiting anxiously for her baby. they felt special. ...and we all were so ready.

Two hours went by and she was off the wall in pain,  This is where things begin to get hazy. It all just happened so fast.Rohit was getting uneasy,Her friends talking her through it.Her Pediatrician stopped in to say 'hi' during her rounds, and her obstetrician walking in and gowning up. This was it.They were going to tell her 'just one more' and then suddenly your life is going to change.

She couldn't grasp it even then. It was all just happening so fast and she wanted to savor it.Just then Rohit pulled me in and  just Told her"You are about to meet your daughter. You are about to be changed for good."

At this moment, we heard the sounds of their birth song begin to fill the room...When You Love Someone.

And she began to cry.

One more push.

Oh, this is so hard...

Rohit was shivering and couldnt look at aarti who was in pain.

She pushed. She pushed and watched as the tiniest little body came out of her, arms flailing, lungs wailing...and then, they put her in her arms.

Boy .. I knew this was special .That was the most defining moment of their life. That was the beginning of this story.

She  was taken to the warming bed where nurses nervously smiled as they checked her over. she wanted someone to tell me what was going on...she kept asking if she was okay, and they told her she was fine. She was crying and pink and just perfectly healthy. she wanted to say the words, but couldn't. So, she asked why her nose was smooshed...why she looked funny. And because she came out posterior and so quickly, many people in the room honestly thought she'd look a little different in an hour or so.

Aarti exclaimed that she remembers the feeling....nothing. As if she has literally left her body for a bit.

The hallway was still filled with everyone who was waiting...and there are stories from our other wonderful friends and family of what happened behind those walls while they waited. All we knew was that there was more love in that birthing center than the place could hold. As anxious eyes re-entered the room, she held my baby and told them all, crying, what we had been told. she knew there was a stream of friends ready to come and celebrate.

We just remember happiness. From everyone. All of the blessed souls in that room celebrated as if there was nothing but joy. Everyone knew...and there were a few puffy eyes, but mostly, it was pure happiness. More friends trickled in. More smiles. More toasts. And hugs with no words...hugs like we've never felt. Ones that spoke volumes...arms pulled tightly around her neck, lips pressed against her forehead and bodies that shook with sobs...sobs that told her they felt it too...they felt her pain and they wanted to take it away.

And Rohit...well, he never left his girl's side. He was quiet through this all, and I'm not sure I'll ever know what he felt, but I know that he is a happy daddy of this young princess, and I know he knows nothing but to love them with all his heart. And he did from the very start.

As soon as the epidural wore off,Aarti changed into nightgown. They were going to take her to  new room upstairs, and she was ready for a new start. Everyone carried our stuff up and waited for us. And then...the moment she always wanted to talk about...the moment they put her in that wheelchair and place the baby in her arms...and stroll you through the hallways to your room while onlookers smile and wish they were you & that was one of the most beautiful moments of her life.

There is so much more I could write...and I chapters of our book.

I had promised Rohit to be there on this journey and that alone means more than we can ever tell you. To be the greatest feeling one can ever feel.

I remember hugging Rohit when he was crying.He had a cute little prayer to offer . he told himself if God would make this a smooth journer, he'd do anything. he'd live in a box, he'd sell everything he had, he'd be happy with nothing

Life moves on. And there have been lots of tears since. There will be. But, there is us. Our Family. We will embrace this beauty and make something of it. We will hold our precious gift and know that we are lucky. I feel lucky. I feel privileged. I feel there is a story so beautiful in store...and we get to live it. Wow.

The story has begun...

There's been so much wonder I've wanted to share...but I knew I had to tell her story first. More to come... This was the beauty of life...and the funny...and the's been crazy.

...but beautiful.

More to come .. Stay Tuned ...

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