Saturday, August 28, 2010

Random Thoughts

I was just walking by passing through the guitars and keyboards on sale when this beautiful melody tantalizes my senses. Oh I really feel so alive as if I’m suddenly an angel drifting through clouds of heavenly symphony. Along with that feeling flashbacks suddenly enter my reverie bringing me back to the time when I first know you. The feelings where so raw as if it was just yesterday once again when it suddenly hit me why of all the people that I've meet you’re the only one who made a big difference in my life.

You were just a refreshing diversion from all those freaks and weirdos I’ve meet before. But besides the facade you show to the world I sense something within you I can emphathize. You creep inside this heart of mine trying to revive its dying beat. You put warmth to a once cold soul and bring a glow to my pale colorless world.

After a long time waiting and now I see you in the face of reality and I can’t believe that what my heart tells me is real. I don’t know what is it with you, I don’t know why I feel this so but all I know is that you make me feel alive. The simple things that you do without you even realizing it makes me go on with my life. I’m not too overly dramatic about it nor too sentimental I’m past that stage but your presence did make a great impact in my life. I thank you for so many things, I even thank you for the time in between the long wait with all the confusion and question because by then I’ll really know that what I feel for you is real. I don’t know where the road will lead us I don’t know about the future at all but one thing I do know is you will be my Best friend for life .

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