Saturday, August 28, 2010

Simple Joys of Life :-)

It’s beauty that captures your attention; personality which captures your heart..

Her personality right away captured my heart.  I often think that one of the challenges of SMS or email  is that your tone and personality isn’t easily conveyed.I still would love to send a letter to the people i care if they are comfortable.

Our life is compose of a series of moments, not the bigger picture, not the drama, not the search for total bliss nor the happily ever after. Oftentimes we want to stay in a certain situation forever that we wish it to never end but as there is beginning so there must be an ending.Why can’t we stay in a particular situation forever, why must it have to move on and change because for me the beauty of life is not the bigger picture or happily after. The beauty lies in the moments. Sometimes we forget to savour the moment we rush so fast to things that needs to be done, to goals that needs to be achieve, to problems need to be fix and so on and so forth but we forget to just sit and relax and see and enjoy that moment for once its gone you can never really go back to it.

There are moments that I savor so much that I keep them close to my heart and I thank all those people who share those moments with me for without them it wouldn’t be as memorable. I have my moments of joy, moments of tears, moments of triump, moments of englighten, moments of great friendship, moments of love, moments of letting go, moments of surprise, moments of lost, moments of betrayal, moments of being special that I thank God everyday of my life for the moments that made my day beautifully bless. It might not be much to some, I might not be as successful nor as achiever as other people but I’m grateful for the friends I’ve met along the way who share special moments with me.

I am now officially dedicating this Blog to one of my Best friends who had always been there for me when i needed support. she had never been judgemental. She knows me better than my shadow .

Honest Confession : Sometimes i really wish if i could get a girl like her .She is  a Beautiful Woman with a Innocent Smile.

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