Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Little moments that we live life in

These are the little moments i look forward to .. Every single moment of every single day .. I wish .. sometimes dream of these moments ..

It would have took just a smiling gesture to make me feel good,
slowing down a little bit while returning with those flashy shop bags would have made it so more easy to walk without making me trip over while tryin to catch up with you,
watching with me what i was watching for a minute atleast without snatching off the remote,
hugging me or you a little while we stood on the balcony with me shivering to the cold breeze,
helping me with the pronunciation in the Italian furniture store wouldn't have been that hard,
dropping in the kitchen for a moment just to make me feel you know where i am in the house isn't hard,
asking me how long will i be up with my office work before i go off to sleep is what i yearn for,

No,i don't ask for myself..i ask for the "Us" we have built.
i don't ask for you in much.
 i ask for a little time,a slight glance,a moment's laugh,a silent smile,a tight hug,a good morning hum..
..and a goodnight's kiss.

Maybe that would take a second
but it would last an eon in my breath-wrenched heart-drained time-frailed lost-beaconed reasoned-enough smothered soul.

P.S. : This is just a glimpse of what i have in my mind 

True Inspiration is my love .. 

The year 2010

We are truly arriving at the end of what would be called a very optimistic year for mankind !! Yes, 2010, truly was a fabulous year. It gave assurance to a gentleman named Kasab against death in a country where he raised mayhem. It saw delayed legal proceedings against the gentleman who once promised to change the face of Indian sports arena (he did change it although, to a very sorry one) - Mr. Suresh Kalmadi as he smiled through the Commonwealth Games fiasco with a naughty boy grin. We also saw people behind online social networking or news platforms - Mark Zuckerberg(FB) and Julian Assange(Wikileaks), beating the US president, in the "Times" magazine, person of the year, thus giving the idea of the increased domination of cyberspace in our lives (i am expecting a few nightmares on the lines of Terminator: Salvation).

We saw hope of getting along well with extra terrestrials, when Lady Gaga strutted around with hideously designed weird clothing pieces. The Indian govt. also grew increased confidence in the nation's ability to take shocking scams in it's stride and move on, little perturbed by the 2G in the air, foreign athletes' woes at the games village, Kargil martyr's apartments being taken over by the our true son's of the soil - the dirty politicians and the latest, ulterior corporate motives and active lobbying which came to the fore with the Radia-tapes episode.

Ok, enough with the satire !! There were feel good things also. The Indian Cricket team, finally achieved no. 1 status and held on to it. Quite a dream for the millions of fans who have ate slept and drunk cricket all their lives. We got to watch Indian athletes winning medals by the dozen. We saw the rise of Saina Nehwal, as a top shuttler in the world!! We saw the stock markets rollicking back to the top, adding happiness with generous helpings of caution this time around amongst the investors. We saw a careful budget and a fair court order on the age old Babri Masjid issue. We even managed to warm our eyes to on the hip-shaking Badnaam Munni and Jawaan Sheila.We had Amitabh Bachchan welcoming us on national television yet again in that "omigawd-its-so-grim-n-sexy" tone that only he has, to play Kaun Banega Crorepati. We had Dolly Bindra, who reminded us of what a feel-good happy life we are leading (by not facing her in the Big Boss House). We had a whole bunch of Box office "jewels", to discard and yet, surprisingly, a decent number of good movies on offer from the Indian Film Industry.

Personally, my year was pretty good. I continued to live amongst love, fun and friendship, passing yet another year in glory. Here's a funny list of my achievements or high moments this year :

1) Managed two full fledged trips to Goa & Delhi !! (Ideally the norm is one)

2) Saw the Indian cricket team achieve Test No.1 ranking in the world

3) Struck to the same job, beyond a year (a first of it's kind, didnt happen earlier, for unfortunate "haalaats")

4) Started watching Plays, two infact - "Class of 84' " and "Get rid of my wife" and loved the experience.

5) Successfully avoided meeting the frightening species of "choose-me girls" for marriage. With all due respect, will not get to enjoy this luxury anymore. (Conditions Apply)

6) Succeeded in reviving this blog....despite fewest hits possible...my busy hunky dory schedule. The motto was and will be to write for self, with an idea to entertain somebody

7) Bought a new phone :-) .. (Honestly bad choice :-( )

Here comes the best part .. I almost managed to retain the Title " Single Again " but the girl of my life swept me off my feet. I fell in love with my Best Friend . Loving every minute since then ..

I think this might be my last post for this year. Thank you 2010, for all that you bestowed. Hope for an even better one in 2011.

This blog is dedicated to my love

Sunday, December 26, 2010

How to write a love letter :-D

Writing love letters can be an extremely challenging task for most of us. But, there is another way to look at the task at hand. Here is what I came up with, which I believe will make the lives of most of you much easier and will allow you to write a lovely love letter as well.

The important thing about writing a love letter is to give it a try. Don’t just think about it, get out a pen and paper and write one now. Don’t think too much about it. If you think a lot about what you will say or how to do this, that will make you nervous and you will stop. Give a try now! Here the tips to write love letters to your girlfriend\boyfriend:

There is no right or wrong in writing love letters. No one can write the kind of letter without expressing their true feelings. The more that you express what you feel about that person or what you actually want to do with or to them, then you have a persuasive chance of building a strong, passionate relationship. If you allow yourself to write as if you are in front of the person or as you would speak if you were in their presence.
Even in this Electronic Age, we need to write (with a pen, on paper) to an absent loved one.

Nothing can beat the romanticism of receiving an old fashioned sweet love letter delivered via snail mail. Emails many of the times get delivered to junk box. Many times emails get deleted accidentally. You don’t want your sweet memories to get wiped away, right? We can be fairly sure our letter got delivered. Having written it, sending out thoughts of goodwill, is what really counts.

Here is how i start writing the letter,

When you begin writing a love letter it is very important to give your girlfriend\boyfriend a compliment. Don’t say things that you always say to them, or things that they always hear from others. Say something that makes them feel like you really appreciate them.

Don’t be so concerned about being perfect
Rather be concerned that the things you are saying are literally coming from the depths of your soul. Tell the other person how much they mean to you. Let them know how miserable your life would be without them. Break the mold of typical conversation and let them feel you through your words.

Add the P.S
Here is a good place to mention a present attached to the letter. Make sure you chose each and every word carefully, and try reading it out loud to yourself so you can make sure it “sounds” the way you want it to.

The Delivery
Don’t forget that delivery is a big part too. Does the place that you leave it for them to find? Think out what they will be likely doing when they find it so that you can plan the right spot for them to read it.
Love letters for girlfriend provide the perfect way to express their true feelings to another. Saying “I love you” is made more beautiful through written words. It can also be made more romantic by striking up a good rhyme that one would love to read repeatedly. Give this a try you will see big results when that your girlfriend read your love letter and comes to visit you.

Love can be expressed in a myriad of different methods, but the most timeless and most treasured will always remain the classic love letter .. Get started :-) ..

Saturday, December 18, 2010

To my Love :-)

I’m sitting here thinking about you
My thoughts run wild at times
Longing to touch and hold you

To feel your heart beating with mine
To see our souls dance in rhythm
with the music of our hearts
But it is all just in my head
cause you are there and I’m here

Waiting for the time
When we’ll finally be one
My love ...

Friday, December 17, 2010


Somewhere along the way you meet people who let you see how much of life you missed out and let you see a different perspective than your own preconceived notion then you realize that life is just not as simple as ABC. Life is for you to live it fully and not just dream about it when you go to sleep or let your imagination do the job. For one to enjoy life you must grasp it wholeheartedly, cherish the moment, live only for today, love fully, fall so hard, cry your heart out, laugh out loud and reach out to others. Don’t hide yourself in your sheltered little world and just imagine of things to come or wish for the life you want instead try to mold yourself to what you want your life to be. I’ve just realized how much of life I’ve taken for granted but then someone came and let you see its not too late to enjoy your moment, to be able to live again without conditions, without regret, without restrictions and be like the bird in the sky so carefree.Yes I am a dreamer but sometimes dreamer’s don’t just dream they live too for the moment…

Guess what's my dream :-)

Loving Someone Silently :-)

It is hard to love someone in silent. It is hard to keep that love to yourself knowing that it wants to be set free, to be let go and to be share. But I have no choice but to keep this feeling to myself. My conscious warned me not to love you because I might only hurt myself in the process. I guess you know deep inside that you cannot give away what you don’t feel in your heart. I don’t know which is painful keeping this love to myself or not getting the love I want from you. Either way it still hurt a bit knowing you love someone who treats you only as a friend.
I thought what I feel for you was just gratitude for the time when loneliness seems to envelop me and you were there to lift my spirit up. But everytime I see you I know it’s more than gratitude and I know that you have a soft spot here in my heart. I know I feel a certain affection towards you but geeezzz it’s so hard to keep this feeling to myself. It’s so hard loving you in silence. It’s so hard to be just your friend.
But come to think of it I’ll rather love you like a mute and be your best friend than tell you I love you and you’ll go away from me.

Just when i thought i would wait little more time .. My best buddy told me that she loves me .. It was a dream .. a beautiful one .. ever since that day .. she makes me fall in love with her over & over again .. She is my Sweetheart ..

Sunday, December 5, 2010

You are everything i ever wanted

The world seems so beautiful, the sky seems so blue
The happiness she brings in my life, I bet you have no clue
She’s more than what I asked for, and I am the luckiest guy
This the the only truth
And about that I wouldn’t lie

She never asked for anything else, but just for my love
She’s as evil as a devil, and as pure as dove
She’s been my motivation for everything that I do
Its hard to express through words, if only she knew
She’s my one friend on whom I can rely
This is the only truth
And about that I wouldn’t lie

I can’t imagine my life, a life without her
A past so dark and a future so blur
She’s been with me in good times, she’s been in my bad
She has laughed in my happiness and cried when i was sad
I loved her with true heart and that I can’t deny
“coz” this is the only truth, and trust me
About that I wouldn’t lie.

She is my world and my life .. about this I wouldn't lie .. 

I love U Sweetheart ..

Counting my days down !!!

yes its true on 6th December, 25 more days to go

ha i say only?? every time i try to look at the watch it seems not to be moving.

after 30 minutes i think of doing something i feel , its just 30 mints passed and actually only 5 had ..

Waiting on something you’ve been wanting so much and so long.. Im really not too much patient as she is…

Im praying  for things to fall into place ... I need all the luck i can get to have this girl in my life ... She is special .. really special ..

i really hope i get some blessing and the time flies at least not so slowly… I will wait for that magical moment

Thanks to the woman of my dreams, my best friend for making every moment of my life so special that i am going to relive these moments again & again ..

To the women of my life

The beauty of a woman can never be described in words. Woman plays an important part in life of each one of us. When we are born, its because of the most lovable woman on planet, the GOD himself in human form, our mother. When you grow up, some of us are lucky enough to have the best companion in our life as our sister. We fight with her, we love her, and we protect her no matter what. She supports at every moment. And when you are an adult you fall in love with the woman of your dreams.

This Post is dedicated to them ..

My Mom: for being there at every step. Protecting me, supporting me and for being the reason what I am today.

My Love : for adapting yourself to my life and enjoying every moment together as ONE. for making me realize that life is beautiful & for loving me like there’s no tomorrow.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Three Months and Counting ....

Our anniversary brings to mind, the happiness and joy U’ve brought to me. Sweet memories--the laughter and the tears.Words truly cannot do justice to how i feel about you . the moments i hold so dear, A new chapter in my heart has begun to unfold, the countless days that we have shared together are too wonderful to forget .Even though U r'nt here with me while i'm writing .. I still have U in my thoughts . I could write a novel with a million reasons why I have fallen in love with U so much & why I hold U so close to my heart. My book would contain thousands of chapters on how much I love U as my life partner & my Best friend ..U have changed my world with a blink of an eye with some beautiful gestures.. I have always dreamt of  footprints in the sands of time,
walking closer towards each other. Holding hands and walking close to eachother forgetting the world around US. I know we have a love like no other, what we share is something others only hope for and dream of. but few ever experience. U are the one whose smile I cannot wait to see, whose arms I long to have wrapped around me.U fill my soul with contentment.I know i have made some mistakes but U always have dealt me with ‘persistence, patience and unwavering affection'.  I must have seen U a million times & every time I see U  .. I fall in love with U all over again .my heart starts to race & when you smile, It sparks my senses and ignites my soul with happiness i never knew . It is such a beautiful feeling .. Ur love is my beacon, my star and my light; All Ur colors and moods are precious to me. I want to be there with U, every moment of our lifes . Holding U close to me & U make every day an enchanting delight. As long as you are with me, my world will never shatter .

I Love U Kanna till the end of time :-)

Happy anniversary, sweetheart.
With you at my side, every experience is beautiful !!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thinking about U, like I always do ..

There are so many things I tell U . So many things i wish i could have left unsaid or undone. I tried. I really did. But Sweetheart .. When it's for U .. Sometimes i end up with a kiddish excitement & falter in my stand not to be crazy .. This doesnt mean i take U for granted .. Trust me, I love U more than i can ever tell ..Somtimes U have been tough and rightly so .. U have been what kept me sane and stable with my feet truly on the ground .. Before U came into my life,I was lost, like a ship with no rudder, skimming across a wild sea.

I love so much about U that it is hard to pick just a couple of things out. I love the way U laugh. I love the way U smile. I even love it when U make me mad and don't know why. I love how when U upset me, U try so hard to make it better when i am down. I am so in love with U that I don't go one minute without thinking of U and wishing that I was with U! I can't stand to be without U for one second. U have truly turned me into myself. U have allowed me to open up my heart and trust again. U have helped me to smile and be happy again. And for that I love U. I thank U and I will forever cherish our memories and I know there are many more to come.

I miss Ur warm eyes, the way U listen & care.I miss all that we share.I miss the smile on Ur face, so reassuring & sincere, & the moments we spend together that I hold so Dear, I miss all of the caring things U do with me & spendind days alone with U. I look forward for a day to be a closest with U.I miss U so much .
Trust me, Not a single moment goes by without thinking about U. Only about U .

It's all about love. I love U & I know that U love me.I love each and every once-in-a-lifetime moment I share with U. Today, tomorrow, forever.

Love U Sweetheart:-)