Sunday, December 5, 2010

To the women of my life

The beauty of a woman can never be described in words. Woman plays an important part in life of each one of us. When we are born, its because of the most lovable woman on planet, the GOD himself in human form, our mother. When you grow up, some of us are lucky enough to have the best companion in our life as our sister. We fight with her, we love her, and we protect her no matter what. She supports at every moment. And when you are an adult you fall in love with the woman of your dreams.

This Post is dedicated to them ..

My Mom: for being there at every step. Protecting me, supporting me and for being the reason what I am today.

My Love : for adapting yourself to my life and enjoying every moment together as ONE. for making me realize that life is beautiful & for loving me like there’s no tomorrow.

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