Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Little moments that we live life in

These are the little moments i look forward to .. Every single moment of every single day .. I wish .. sometimes dream of these moments ..

It would have took just a smiling gesture to make me feel good,
slowing down a little bit while returning with those flashy shop bags would have made it so more easy to walk without making me trip over while tryin to catch up with you,
watching with me what i was watching for a minute atleast without snatching off the remote,
hugging me or you a little while we stood on the balcony with me shivering to the cold breeze,
helping me with the pronunciation in the Italian furniture store wouldn't have been that hard,
dropping in the kitchen for a moment just to make me feel you know where i am in the house isn't hard,
asking me how long will i be up with my office work before i go off to sleep is what i yearn for,

No,i don't ask for myself..i ask for the "Us" we have built.
i don't ask for you in much.
 i ask for a little time,a slight glance,a moment's laugh,a silent smile,a tight hug,a good morning hum..
..and a goodnight's kiss.

Maybe that would take a second
but it would last an eon in my breath-wrenched heart-drained time-frailed lost-beaconed reasoned-enough smothered soul.

P.S. : This is just a glimpse of what i have in my mind 

True Inspiration is my love .. 

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