Sunday, December 26, 2010

How to write a love letter :-D

Writing love letters can be an extremely challenging task for most of us. But, there is another way to look at the task at hand. Here is what I came up with, which I believe will make the lives of most of you much easier and will allow you to write a lovely love letter as well.

The important thing about writing a love letter is to give it a try. Don’t just think about it, get out a pen and paper and write one now. Don’t think too much about it. If you think a lot about what you will say or how to do this, that will make you nervous and you will stop. Give a try now! Here the tips to write love letters to your girlfriend\boyfriend:

There is no right or wrong in writing love letters. No one can write the kind of letter without expressing their true feelings. The more that you express what you feel about that person or what you actually want to do with or to them, then you have a persuasive chance of building a strong, passionate relationship. If you allow yourself to write as if you are in front of the person or as you would speak if you were in their presence.
Even in this Electronic Age, we need to write (with a pen, on paper) to an absent loved one.

Nothing can beat the romanticism of receiving an old fashioned sweet love letter delivered via snail mail. Emails many of the times get delivered to junk box. Many times emails get deleted accidentally. You don’t want your sweet memories to get wiped away, right? We can be fairly sure our letter got delivered. Having written it, sending out thoughts of goodwill, is what really counts.

Here is how i start writing the letter,

When you begin writing a love letter it is very important to give your girlfriend\boyfriend a compliment. Don’t say things that you always say to them, or things that they always hear from others. Say something that makes them feel like you really appreciate them.

Don’t be so concerned about being perfect
Rather be concerned that the things you are saying are literally coming from the depths of your soul. Tell the other person how much they mean to you. Let them know how miserable your life would be without them. Break the mold of typical conversation and let them feel you through your words.

Add the P.S
Here is a good place to mention a present attached to the letter. Make sure you chose each and every word carefully, and try reading it out loud to yourself so you can make sure it “sounds” the way you want it to.

The Delivery
Don’t forget that delivery is a big part too. Does the place that you leave it for them to find? Think out what they will be likely doing when they find it so that you can plan the right spot for them to read it.
Love letters for girlfriend provide the perfect way to express their true feelings to another. Saying “I love you” is made more beautiful through written words. It can also be made more romantic by striking up a good rhyme that one would love to read repeatedly. Give this a try you will see big results when that your girlfriend read your love letter and comes to visit you.

Love can be expressed in a myriad of different methods, but the most timeless and most treasured will always remain the classic love letter .. Get started :-) ..

1 comment:

  1. It’s no secret that a man’s ego has a powerful pull on him.

    In fact this hardwired need to impress and to WIN is so deeply embedded into the male mind...

    That nearly everything a man truly desires is based around this biological “drive” to prove, succeed and to win.

    It’s why so many men become workaholics, gym junkies or become obsessed with their hobbies.

    But what most women don’t know... how deeply this “drive” is connected to his love, desire, and attraction for the woman in his life.

    And I’m about to show you how you can “tap into” a man’s ege to refocus that same drive and gut level obsession...

    ...on pleasing you, romancing you, and proving his love for you like you’re his sole purpose in life.

    Here’s how: ==> The “Go Ahead” Signal That Makes Him Obsessed With Winning Your Love

    Mr Gix

    P.S. When you tap into a man’s ego this way, you can cause him to literally become obsessed with proving his love for you. So please don’t use this on a man unless you are ready for something serious.

    Thanks again.
